Comments Enabled with New Commenting Policy

As return readers of this site know, the ability to comment on the blog was recently suspended. A post Pete wrote caused some uncivil remarks and subsequently, we shut down comments while we developed a comment policy. Pete encourages debate and conversation and we feel this policy will allow for both while keeping comments respectful:

Comment Policy: Keep the conversation civil and on topic. If your comment does not add to the conversation, it will be removed. Debate intelligently and thoughtfully. Personal attacks and insults against the author or other commenters will result in comment removal and possible ban. Any links posted with a comment will go into moderation before being posted and anything deemed as spam will not be approved. Typing in all capital letters is discouraged as it is considered rude. Moderators reserve the right to ban and remove comments and commenters that violate this policy without notice. Commenters are encouraged to flag comments that violate this policy if they have not yet been moderated. If you would like to track your comments, sign-up for a free Disqus account or use any of the multiple login options. This policy is subject to change.

We apologize to those who have contributed to the site’s conversation already following these rules before they even posted and thank you for your readership and patience during the brief suspension.

Follow Pete Online and Website Changes

Thank you to all who responded to the blog post awhile back about improving the blog. We have implemented many new updates. For one, the site has been completely revamped so that now individual pages are linkable and more easily accessed. For instance, you can link directly to the Crazy book page.

Pete is also now on Twitter (@peteearley), he has a Facebook fan page and I set up a Feedburner RSS feed for some of you to more easily track the blog updates. Please invite your friends, organizations, companies, etc. and let them know!

Once again, Pete has been thrilled with the response from the blog, so thanks to you the readers!

‘Speeches’ Dates, Times and Info Updated

The “Speeches” section of has been updated now to include specific addresses (as they are available) as well as links to maps and ticket/registration information. There is also an interactive map that plots all of Pete’s speeches throughout the United States. If you are in charge of an event Pete is speaking at and the information listed is wrong, please contact me at If you are interested in having Pete speak at an event of yours, email

A New Website!

Welcome to my redesigned website and my very first blog entry!

This new design was completed by Tony and Evan, two of my five sons. My original site was created by Tony and a friend, Ryan, nearly a decade ago when they were both in high school. (Yep, they were teenagers when they created it!)  During the past several years, Tony has revised my site and added many new features. But this is the first complete overhaul.

I love it and hope you do too!

One of the improvements is the addition of this blog. Evan, who graduates this year from Virginia Tech, has warned me that blogs should not be diaries. Instead, they should be used to share useful information. I’ll be following Evan’s advice in the coming days by posting some personal items, but mostly writing about mental health, espionage, publishing, and the joy and frustration of being an author.

Although Evan and Tony, who now is a commercial real estate appraiser in Fairfax County, didn’t believe it was still necessary, I am keeping my original guestbook – which now can be found under the title: FEEDBACK . I want readers to be able to sign in and leave comments.

I’ll start posting blog entries on Monday, January 4th, and am planning on putting a new entry on the blog every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Thanks for visiting and for your support.

Now let’s get started.