A Graphic Read About Isolation In America’s Toughest Prison Told Through The Eyes Of A Convicted Murderer


My twenty-second and last book, No Human Contact: Solitary Confinement, Maximum Security and Two Inmates Who Changed the System, is not for the faint of heart because it describes – often in graphic detail and from a convict’s point of view – life imprisonment in the harshest conditions allowed under the U.S. Constitution.

For 33 years, I corresponded with Thomas Silverstein, who murdered three people while in America’s most secure penitentiary, including a correctional officer. A member of the notorious prison gang, the Aryan Brotherhood, Silverstein spent 36 years in isolation yet he found meaning in his life and ultimately rejected the gang.

His story raises questions about whether nurture or nature creates a killer.

I met him in 1987 in the bowels of Leavenworth prison where I asked him about his decision to attack and savagely stab Merle Clutts, a veteran officer.

Listen to Pete Earley’s taped interview with Thomas Silverstein describing murder that he committed.

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A First-Of-Its- Kind Licensed Treatment Center Inside A Jail: Is This The Future In Corrections?

Nashville’s Behavior Care Center is a first-of-its-kind, licensed mental health/addiction treatment facility built inside a jail complex.

(11-22-2024) Are residential mental health and addiction centers located inside jails in our future? Should they be?

Earlier this month, I spoke to an elite group of sheriffs in Nashville attending a Large Jail Network conference. The LJN is composed of senior officials from the largest jails in the United States. This meeting focused on jails becoming the de facto largest public mental health facilities in our country. (The LJN was established in 1989 by the National Institute of Corrections, a part of the U.S. Justice Department.)

Nashville was chosen because Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall operates a first-of-its-kind 60-bed Behavioral Care Center (BCC) as part of his jail. This is not a separate cellblock where arrestees with mental illnesses and/or addictions are housed and seen by a visiting psychiatrist or social workers. The BCC is a state licensed, residential treatment center adjacent to the jail where individuals charged with crimes – that are clearly linked to their addiction and/or mental illnesses – can have the criminal charges against them dropped if they complete a rigorous treatment regime while incarcerated.Click to continue…

Expert On Criminalization Of Mental Illness Describes His Personal Journey With Bipolar Disorder

(11-20-24) Risdon N. Slate, an expert about the criminalization of mental illness, has published a memoir, Resilience In The Storm: My Journey With Mental Illness, describing his personal struggles, lessons learned and his recovery. I asked him to share part of his story.

Dear Pete, this chapter captures me in a full-blown manic episode after my psychiatrist decided I was not mentally ill and took me off lithium. Prior to the doctor stopping my medication, I had remained in the closet regarding my mental illness for eight years, telling only significant others that I was bipolar and seeing psychiatrists behind the scenes for meds. I was running from the stigma surrounding mental illness. I was embarrassed. I was ashamed.

After the manic episode, I decided if this could happen to me as a criminology professor with a PhD in criminal justice, work experience as a federal probation officer and as an assistant to the warden at a medium/maximum death row prison it could happen to anyone.

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Shame On Jeff Bezos For Putting Profits Ahead of Responsible Journalism

Editorial cartoon: Hellertoon: Bezos bucks tradition with Washington Post presidential endorsement


(11-1-24) I’ve been a working journalist since I turned 17 and I have strong feelings about the freedom of the press and open discussions. Which is why I was disappointed this week when Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos decided to kill an editorial in his own paper. This is not about whether you are going to vote for Donald Trump or for Kamala Harris. Although Bezos attempted to sugarcoat his actions (after more than 250,000 readers canceled their subscriptions), in my view he acted out of fear. Click to continue…

Dr. E. Fuller Torrey Quits NAMI. Claims Its Focus On “Mental Health” Minimizes Serious Mental Illnesses.

Dr. E. Fuller Torrey quits NAMI

Torrey calls NAMI a Mental Health America “Clone” Embarrassed to belong in advocacy group he once championed.

(9-20-24) Dr. E. Fuller Torrey, who played a crucial early role in helping the National Alliance on Mental Illness become the nation’s largest and most influential mental health organization, is ending his 40 plus-year affiliation with the grassroots group, writing in a recent letter: “NAMI is now a sad shadow of its original self, and I am embarrassed to belong. Please cancel my membership.”

In his open letter (see end of blog post) to NAMI CEO and President Daniel H. Gillison Jr., Dr. Torrey explained: “NAMI functioned as a very effective mental illness advocacy organization for almost 20 years. However, by the turn of the new century, it had become clear that, despite its name, the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill was abandoning its focus on mental illness in favor of mental health issues. But it is even worse since NAMI no longer even distinguishes between mental illnesses and mental health problems.”

He was referring to NAMI’s decision several years ago to begin representing all mental health issues – a so-called “big tent”  approach- rather than focusing primarily on “serious mentally illnesses, (SMIs)” defined as schizophrenia, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, autism, as well as severe forms of other disorders such as major depression, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The DSM-5 TR, lists nearly 300 mental disorders grouped into 20 categories. It recently added “prolonged grief disorder.” Torrey has argued for years that NAMI should stick to focusing on serious brain diseases and not all possible mental ailments.

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Podcast Host Asks About The Importance Of “Human Connections” Which Is Essential To All Of Us

(8-20-24) Six months after I was diagnosed with Stage Four Lung cancer, I remain in remission with only a few troubling side effects. I continue to spend my time focused on my family (especially my local grandchildren) and my health, but recently I agreed to sit down with Poonam Sharma creator of The Release Podcast.

The interview was much different from others because she asked probing questions about what I have learned from my books about the need for human connections, especially lessons from  No Human Contact, which describes the life of Thomas Silverstein. He was held under the most isolating conditions allowed by law by the federal government for 36 years after murdering a correctional officer.

Discussing human connections is important to me because individuals with serious mental illnesses often are the most isolated people in our society and recognizing humanity in each person and developing relationships with those who are often invisible or on the fringes is essential to recovery.

Caveat: I say in the podcast that I am “not religious.” What this means is that I am no longer attending church or participating in organized religion, as I did nearly all of my life. I have soured on denominations and religions which condemn others who don’t share their beliefs. I believe in God and pray for guidance daily but I accept that none of us truly knows God. I do not know if there is a heaven or consciousness after death. Instead, I acknowledge what is written in 1st Corinthians 13:12. “For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know, even as also I am known.”

Are some people beyond redemption? Are individuals born bad or is hate taught?

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