It was around this time last year that I helped my dad, Pete, launch this redesign of his site with the big addition of a blog. Since then, it has grown to become a great outlet for my dad to express himself and a source of knowledge and insight for others and I am happy about that. However, the website has been getting “old” in the fast times of the internet and it was time to implement some changes that went live last night/today:
Comments Disabled Until Futher Notice
Because of the recent amount of controversy and personal attacks in the comments across this site, the ability to add comments to the blog and on Pete’s Facebook page are disabled. We hope this will be temporary as Pete and I discuss a comment policy to implement across his multiple online platforms. Apologies to our readers who have contributed thoughtful and intelligent responses to the blog posts and thank you for your patience during this time.
For more information about this, please read Pete’s recent post.
Is Solitary Confinement Cruel?
Is being confined indefinitely in a solitary prison cell “cruel and unusual punishment” and does it violate a prisoner’s right to due process?
A team of students at the University of Denver Strum School of Law and two of their professors claim the answer to both questions is yes. In 2007, they filed a civil rights lawsuit against the federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) on behalf of a familiar name: Thomas Silverstein.

Silverstein sent me this drawing after I mailed him one of my books. Several BOP officers were angry that I gave him a copy but didn't offer them one.
Silverstein is a major character in my book, The Hot House: Life Inside Leavenworth Prison, and someone I have known since 1987. That’s when I became the first and – to date — the only reporter ever allowed to interview him in prison.
Follow Pete Online and Website Changes
Thank you to all who responded to the blog post awhile back about improving the blog. We have implemented many new updates. For one, the site has been completely revamped so that now individual pages are linkable and more easily accessed. For instance, you can link directly to the Crazy book page.
Pete is also now on Twitter (@peteearley), he has a Facebook fan page and I set up a Feedburner RSS feed for some of you to more easily track the blog updates. Please invite your friends, organizations, companies, etc. and let them know!
Once again, Pete has been thrilled with the response from the blog, so thanks to you the readers!
‘Speeches’ Dates, Times and Info Updated
The “Speeches” section of has been updated now to include specific addresses (as they are available) as well as links to maps and ticket/registration information. There is also an interactive map that plots all of Pete’s speeches throughout the United States. If you are in charge of an event Pete is speaking at and the information listed is wrong, please contact me at If you are interested in having Pete speak at an event of yours, email
Comments Enabled with New Commenting Policy
As return readers of this site know, the ability to comment on the blog was recently suspended. A post Pete wrote caused some uncivil remarks and subsequently, we shut down comments while we developed a comment policy. Pete encourages debate and conversation and we feel this policy will allow for both while keeping comments respectful:
We apologize to those who have contributed to the site’s conversation already following these rules before they even posted and thank you for your readership and patience during the brief suspension.