Getting Ready for “Killer” Publicity

The Serial Killer Whisperer Book CoverI’ve been busy getting ready for the release of The Serial Killer Whisperer in January.

Unless there is a pressing reason, most publishers take an entire year to prepare a book for publication after the manuscript is accepted. This can be frustrating for an author. Writers want their work in print ASAP!

Publishers use the time to design a book jacket, put together photo inserts, do final editing, and print advance copies which are then sent to book reviewers and television producers in the hope of creating a favorable pre-release “buzz.”

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NAMI Joins In Correcting NPR’s CEO

Michael Fitzpatrick, the executive director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, has joined me in complaining about an offensive remark that Vivian Schiller, the CEO and President of National Public Radio, said after firing Juan Williams. 
The day after I wrote on my blog about Schiller’s offensive comment, Mike fired off a letter to NPR and wrote a blog of his own posted on NAMI’s webpage chastising Schiller and asking NAMI members to write letters of complaint about her stigmatizing comment.