What were the first signs?

“Did you see any warning signs that should have tipped you off about your son’s mental illness?”

It’s a question I get asked whenever I speak in public. 

Like other parents, I have spent hours thinking about my son’s past,  wondering if there were behaviors that I missed which were red flags.  If so, what were they? When did his mental illness first begin revealing itself?

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Elephant In The Room

Amid all of the rhetoric, name-calling, and finger-pointing that’s going on, it’s nice that some journalists and advocates are actually speaking out thoughtfully about how difficult it is to get meaningful help for a person with a mental disorder.  Diane Rehm on NPR devoted an hour to the struggles that parents face when they have an adult child with a disorder. I was grateful to be part of that discussion. 
 Kudos to Diane and kudos to these others.