Dear Pete,I’m a mentally person who has been diagnosed with Bi-polar, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Severe OCD and physical ailments. I’ve attached a message that I have sent to Kaiser Permanente.I’ve been trying to find answers for YEARS to why the wait time for mental health appts. gets longer and longer. I get answers like: “IF YOU FEEL THAT BAD, THEN GO TO THE ER AND THEY CAN HELP YOU.”
That isn’t the help that I’m looking for or need. And that’s a very flippant answer. I’ve been 5150, [involuntarily committed] more than I’d like to say and it’s horrible, simply horrible. Prisoners get more freedoms than someone who is committed. We’re treated like 3rd class citizens.Because we’re mentally ill, they dismiss us in every possible way. They make you feel ashamed and unwanted. And terrified.I don’t want to be 5150 again so I attempt to see my psychiatrist on a regular basis, but my appointments get pushed further and further apart. It is NOT healthy when I can’t see my psychiatrist or talk to a doctor for six fricken weeks!I am tried of hearing excuses and not getting help. Tonight is my last attempt to communicate with Kaiser. The note that I have included with this email might not be nice. But how many times can you ask and beg, and get nowhere?My cognitive thinking is not that good right now, so my sentences and paragraphs might ramble on. I’m on Ativan, Gabapentin, Lithium, Saphris, Topamax, Vistaril, and sometimes all those medications get to me.Thank you for listeningDiana