A three minute video
(2-14-17) Happy Valentine’s Day! I am blessed to have been married to Patti, my wonderful partner and best friend, for nearly nineteen years, and to have a fabulous blended family of seven. My son Kevin made a youtube video a few years ago that I wish to share with you today. It features two of his good friends, Kelly and Maria, and my parents, Elmer and Jean, who were married for 70 years before my mom died in 2013. My father passed fourteen months later. The camera work was done by my son, Evan.
It’s easy to become discouraged when you look at how badly broken our mental health system is and how many people are not receiving meaningful care, are in jails and prisons, and are suffering. But somedays, it’s nice to take a deep breath and be grateful for persons in our lives whom we love and bring us joy. Everyone deserves someone to love them.
Happy Valentine’s Day 2017